I haven't done so well with blogging regularly, but I'm inspired to do better. It was a crazy school year and an even crazier spring, so I welcome summer with open arms. I've had lots of adventures and tried several new things, so I'll have to post about some of them eventually. But for now, I'll just focus on the present. It's been a busy week for the first official week of summer break. I had a job interview for a summer tutoring position, went to dinner at an amazing family's home, attended a thought-provoking book club meeting, and met a wonderful friend for coffee. I've had so many opportunities for communication and re-evaluation of the school year that I can't help but be reflective. Every single one of these events has been a reminder (in some way or another) of my need to write in order to deepen my understanding of the world around me. People often tell me that I need to write about (fill in the blank), but I never really follow t...